
madrid23616On June 23 - 24, the members of OPA Europe were hosted by Vocento and Igoenia/Grupo Heraldo in Madrid, to discuss ‘Digital Video Strategies’. Presentations covered issues of content development (both original and co-produced or purchased rights), performance benchmarks and metrics, as well as distribution approaches across both owned properties and third parties, notably social media platforms. Members also examined matters of human resources and skills/operating structure, as well as technology infrastructure and tools. In addition, they will discuss and debate monetization strategies, in terms of both standard vehicles/formats (pre-rolls, in stream, etc.) and native content.

Our sponsor, presented their programmatic solution to help premium publishers sell their top priority inventory.

Attending companies included Le Figaro, Le Monde, The New York Times, Spiegel Online, La Repubblica, El Mundo, Vice, Dagens Naeringsliv, El Pais, Russmedia, La Vanguardia, Corriere della Sera, Iogenia, Vocento and Lambrakis Press.

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