
Mobile PublishingOn October 19-20, the members of OPA Europe met at The Telegraph in London to discuss Mobile Pubishing. Presentations covered mobile web vs apps, content and design, advertising sales, marketing/distribution, and smartphones vs tablets in the context of mobile publishing.

Our sponsor, Teads, presented how their mobile customized ads improve the user experience and engagement.

Attending companies included: The New York Times, Le Figaro, The Telegraph, Le Monde, Aller Media, Vocento, La Repubblica, Dagens Naeringsliv, El Pais, Henneo, Cofina, Handelsblatt Group, Grupo Godo, Unidad Editorial, Le Parisien and Le Temps.


LondonOPA Europe's upcoming Best Practices meeting will take place on October 19-20 in London. Its central topic is "Mobile Publishing".

Participating companies include Vocento, Le Parisien, The New York Times, La Repubblica, Le Monde, Henneo, Prisa, NHST Media Group, Le Figaro, Unidad Editorial, Le Temps, Grupo Godó, and Handelsblatt Group.


Oslo InnovationsOn June 22-23, the members of OPA Europe met in Oslo to discuss Innovations in Advertising. Presentations covered programmatic trading, content marketing, native advertising, monetisation in mobile and video, and examined ad product development, pricing and yield optimisation, targeting and measurement, as well as broader issues including alliances and partnerships, and investments in HR and technology. Our sponsor, Beemray, presented how their audience intelligence platform enables publishers with customer intelligence based on precise locations and context.

Attending companies were: The New York Times, Le Figaro, The Telegraph, Le Monde, Aller Media, Der Spiegel, Vocento, La Repubblica, Dagens Naeringsliv, El Pais, Henneo, Schibsted, and Grupo Godo.


OsloOPA Europe's upcoming Best Practices meeting will take place on June 22-23 in Oslo. Its central topic is "Innovations in Advertising Sales”, and the agenda includes discussion and debate in a series of key areas of digital publishing, namely Programmatic Trading, Content Marketing and Native Advertising, as well as monetisation in the rapidly growing areas of Mobile and Video.

The meeting will examine critical questions such as ad product development, pricing and yield optimisation, targeting and measurement, as well as broader issues including alliances and partnerships, and investments in HR and technology.

les_echosOn March 2-3, the members of OPA Europe met at the offices of Les Echos in Paris to discuss New Revenue Streams.

Presentations covered sources of new revenue that included e-commerce, events, membership schemes, consulting/agency services, custom publishing, data sales and listings/classifieds, amongst others. Our sponsor, Seedtag, presented in-image advertising as a solution to help premium publishers unlock new revenues.

Attending companies were: The New York Times, Le Parisien/Les Echos, Le Figaro, The Telegraph, Le Monde, Aller Media, Vocento, Le Temps, La Repubblica, Dagens Naeringsliv, El Pais, Henneo, and Unidad Editorial.


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