
london recapOn October 20-21, the members of OPA Europe met in London at the offices of The Telegraph to discuss Subscription Strategies. Presentations covered the strategies and tactics that premium publishers are deploying to develop their subscription operations and revenues. Issues examined include the product or service, pricing and marketing as well as matters of resources, distribution and advertising proposition.

telegraphOPA Europe members will be meeting in London on October 20-21 to discuss "Subscriptions and Paid Content", and will examine multiple facets of premium publishers' subscription strategies, notably conversion & retention approaches (centered on new product development, pricing and audience segmentation / targeting), the restructuring of processes and teams as well as resources deployed, both in terms of talent and technological tools.

oslo conf roomOn June 23-24, the members of OPA Europe met in Oslo at the offices of NHST to discuss Platforms and Distribution Strategies. Presentations covered major trends and addressed best practices across a wide range of topics such as search, social, audio, ecommerce, TV and data, amongst others.

oslo 2022 meetingOPA Europe members will be meeting in Oslo on June 23-24 to discuss "Platforms and Distribution Strategies", and will examine a range of issues regarding relationships with Global players such as content promotion and dissemination, marketing and data, as well as monetization both in ad sales and in subscription whilst also addressing copyright revenues.

geneva conf room smallOn March 10-11, the members of OPA Europe met in Geneva at the offices of Le Temps to discuss Editorial Innovation. Presentations covered major trends and addressed best practices across a wide range of current and emerging areas such as research, advice-oriented content, new content verticals, personalization, audio offerings and live coverage.

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